Student conference invitation dedicated to 50 th anniversary of Francophinie

A student conference dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Francophonie will take place at Goris State University in 2020 April 29-30. The conference will be held in the following directions:
Humanitarian sciences:
- Historical, political science and legal sciences
- Economic Sciences:
- Philological and linguistic sciences
- Social-psychological sciences
Physical-Mathematical and Natural Sciences:
- Mathematics and information technology
- Physical and technical sciences
- Biological and chemical sciences
For participation, you need to submit:
- Summary in the version of Word, Sylfaen font, French, Armenian, English and Russian. Form it in the specified sequence. Author’s name, surname,university, report title, key words( up to 5). The summary should summarize the research brief description, nominated issue , clearly stating the theoretical approaches and methodology of the report.
- Application form: (pattern is attached)
Send application form and summary to until 2020 March 15( Overdue applications will not be accepted) . Applicants will be notified about the selected reports. by mail until 2020. March 20. Send the materials of the selected reports until 2020. April 17 to (The opinion of the scientific supervisor must be attached). The working languages of the conference are French, Armenian, English and Russian. The reports presented at the conference and approved by the editorial board will be published in the form of a collection of scientific articles.
The procedure for creating articles and the type of application for participation is attached.
For more information, please contact Harut Davtyan, Executive Secretary of the Conference (GSU, President of the SSC e-mail: , tel. 094-63-89-33)