The federation of orphans’ care invites to take part in “Orphans’ care. Past experiences and development perspectives” titled conference, which will take place in 2020 November 4-5 in Turky. City Istanbul.
The conference will be held in the following directions:
- Orphans’ care menegement and policy of organizations
- Laws and rights of orphans
- Empowerment and development of widows and orphans
- Improvement and sustainable development of orphans’ care field
- Violence against orphans and widows
- The general health condition of orphans and widows
- The education of orphans and widows
- Orphans as child labor
- Orphans with limited capacity
- Homeless orphans and orphanages
- Sponsorship and financial resources for orphans
The working languages of the conference are English and Arabic.
Please note, that the summary of articles must be submitted by 2020 March 22.
The submitted applications will be examined by the scientific commission.
The federation of Orphans’ care will cover the travel and accommodation expenses of the selected applicants.
Detailed information on how to apply for the conference can be found at www.orphans-care.org. For more information, please contact Anas Abu-Laban, the conference’s organizer (email: conference@orphans.care ):