GSU expands its cooperation

According to the priorities of the Strategic Development Program of GSU, will develop the formation of a culture of cooperation with externa and internal stakeholders, exchange of advanced experience in the field of education, ensuring the requirements and standarts for the content and quality of education, as well as with a number of factors,in recent years has established new and important cooperations with both the Republic of Armenia and a number of educational and research organisations abroad.
The same year, on January 29, GSU, represented by Rector, PhysMath, Doctor of Science, Professor Artush Ghukasyan, Armenian National University of Architecture and Construction, represented by Acting Rector, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Yeghiazar Vardanyan, signed a memorandum of cooperation based on the need to ensure cooperation, full use of scientific and technical and personnel capabillities, and exchange of advanced experience. The purposeof the memorandum is to establish partnership relations between the two universities in the fields of education and research in the following main directions: in the NUACA and at GSU carrying out educational, international, posting information about grant programs, implementation of external expert evaluation of subject and educational programs, implementation of academic mobility ofstudents and faculty members, joint development of educational programs or separate courses, implementation of joint research programs of professional training of students and lectures,master classes round tables, NUACA and GSU publication of the results of joint educational research in scientific journals, mutual management and master’s thesis of students’ graduation works, master’s thesis.organisation of joint international and rebulican conferences, imlementation of joint educational and scientific grant programs, etc.
Taking into consideration the need to ensure the cooperation of scientific organisations among higher education institutions, the full use of the parties’ research and staffing skills, and the introduction of advanced scientific experience in the educational process, recently the Rector of GSU A. Ghukasyan also signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Institute of Meckanics of the RA Natinal Academy of Sciences,in the person of the acting director, PhysMath, Doctor of Sciences, Professor Avetik Sahakyan and the Institute of Historybof the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia in the person of Director, Academician Professor Ashot Melkonyan.
The main directions of cooperation will be the provision of information on scientific-educational programs implemented on academic institutes and at GSU, organisation of joint Republican and International conferences,implementation of resaearch and educational grant programs,involvement of leading specialists of the institute in the final works carried out at GSU, master’s thesis management, review, final attestiation, etc.