Առցանց աշխատաժողով՝ Էրազմուս+ SAH ծրագրի ԱՓ2-ի (Զարգացում) շրջանակներում

On July 8 an online workshop was held under the WP2 of Erasmus + SAH project (Development), organized on the initiative of the partners who are responsible for the implementation of WP2: Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering and National Technical University of Athens. GSU was presented by Naira Safaryan (Head of the Department of ERC), Siranush Poghosyan (Head of the Department of Economics and Management), Gurgen Minasyan (Lecturer of the Department of Economics and Management), Gayane Shabunts (Head of the Department of QA and SCS) and Sona Alaverdyan (specialist of the Department of ERC).
The first part of the workshop, which involved all the consortium member institutions, was conducted in English. According to the agenda, Dr. Olga Poroshenko from Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering spoke on “Institutionalization and approbation of the BSc and MSc programs in Russia, Armenia, and Iran”. Then, Prof. Anna Tozzi from University of L’Aquila in Italy made a presentation on “Assuring quality in projecting curricula”. The presentations were followed by questions, answers and discussions.
The working language of the second part of the workshop was Russian. It was a methodological seminar for the target groups and the staff involved in the development of curricula and modules at the Russian and Armenian universities. Dr. Olga Poroshenko from KSUAE and Prof. Dilyara Shakirova from the Institute for Education Development of the Republic of Tatarstan presented the topic on “EU QAS: criteria & tools: evaluation & assessment”.
The further discussions were interesting as the parallels were drawn between the processes of quality assurance, accreditation and rating, design and implementation of academic programs and curricula at Armenian and Russian universities, thus highlighting the similarities, differences, and perspectives for cooperation within the SAH program.
Shortly, a similar workshop on the higher education system of the Islamic Republic of Iran will be organized within the framework of WP2, as the University of Tehran and Tabriz Islamic Art University are also members of the consortium.