GSU Student Scientific Society (SSS) was founded in 2017. The social structure aims to support the research, educational and spiritual development of the students. The SSS supports student initiatives in education and research areas. It organizes scientific conferences, symposiums, seminars, and other educational and scientific events, involving foreign potential.
The SSS governing body is SSS Council, the members of which are SSS President, Vice-President, Secretary and the presidents of the faculty SSSs. The structural units of SSS are the Expert Committee and the faculty branches of SSS.
The head of the SSS is elected by GSU Academic Council for a two-year term. The members of the SSS Council elect the Vice-President and the Secretary.
The president of the SSS carries out the current and daily management of the SSS, coordinates the work of the faculty SSSs, and ensures the cooperation between them represents annual report to GSU Academic Council and Rectorate, presents the SSS in state and administrative bodies, NGOs, mass media. The Vice-President of the SSS carries out certain tasks assigned by the SSS President, supervises the activities of the faculty SSS, supports the coordination of their work and ensures cooperation between them, and assumes the powers of the President during the absence of the SSS President.
The Secretary of the SSS coordinates the work of the Secretariat, completes and maintains the minutes of the meetings and the documents of the SSS.
The students and youth lecturers may join the respective faculty SSS according to the recommendation from the corresponding chairs. The president of faculty SSS is approved by the faculty Academic Council on the recommendation of the Faculty Dean for a two-year term.
The SSS cooperates with the student scientific structures of Armenian and foreign academic centers and HEIs for the realization of its aims and issues. The members of the SSS actively participate in various national and international competitions, conferences, training, and seminars.
The Regulation on Student Scientific Society is published in the official website of the University under the heading “Documents”.
Currently, the president of the SSS is Haykuhi Arzanyan.
Tel:(374 98) 05-82-15