The Faculty of Humanities is one of the restructured faculties at the university, established in 2020. The faculty comprises three departments: Philology, History and Law, Foreign Languages, and General Pedagogy and Special Education. Additionally, it houses two computer classrooms, namely the “A. Margaryan Armenian Language Classroom” and the “S. Orbelyan History Classroom.”
The Faculty of Humanities offers a diverse range of 16 professional educational programs spanning various educational levels and instructional modes. Within these offerings, there are five full-time bachelor’s programs and four part-time bachelor’s programs. Additionally, the faculty provides seven master’s level professional educational programs, with four of them being offered in a full-time format: “Armenian Language and Literature,” “History,” “Education Management,” and “Elementary Pedagogy and Methodology.” The remaining three master’s programs are part-time and include “Law,” “Special Pedagogy,” and “Social Pedagogy.”
In tandem with their teaching responsibilities, the faculty’s staff actively engage in scientific research activities. These efforts have significantly contributed to the advancement of pedagogy, history and law, and the professional domains of Armenian studies and foreign language instruction. The faculty has produced monographs, educational manuals, and has organized scientific sessions, conferences, and lectures.
Contact Information:
Dean: Suzanna Hayrapetyan, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor.
(+374 93) 59-80-58