Invitation to the free Online Summer School “Environmental Science Education for Sustainable Human Health”

The Online Summer School “Environmental Science Education for Sustainable Human Health” to be held within the framework of the Erasmus+ Capacity Building MENVIPRO project will bring together the leading South Caucasian and European experts representing the broad spectrum of related disciplines and the international audience of MSc/PhD students for an exciting online event.
The summer school will provide students with theoretical lessons and hands-on, field and laboratory experience to perform environmental sampling, analyses of environmental and food samples, and assessment of anthropogenic impacts on soils, vegetation, aerosols and foods. Students will acquire analytical skills on the determination of organic, inorganic, and radioactive contaminants and will acquire skills on remote sensing techniques, environmental data mapping, and geographic information systems.
6 September – 13 September 2021
Course Instruction Language:
Target Group:
This course is open to Training and Teaching Staff, Master and PhD students of the academia and to participants originating from Ministries, Government Commissions and Regulatory Authorities, as well as researchers concerned with the fields and thematic of environment, pollution, food safety, and risk assessment.
Application deadline:
3 September 2021
Agenda and Application form are available via the below link:

GSU External Relations and Cooperation

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