The Chair of General Pedagogy and Special Education at Goris State University was founded in 1998 through the efforts of talented educators of the time. Since its establishment, the chair’s development and progress have been significantly influenced by the contributions of Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor Julieta Tunyan, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Karen Sahakyan, and Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Hayk Petrosyan.
The acting head of the Chair of General Pedagogy and Special Education is PhD, Associate Professor Hrayr Petrosyan.
The chair’s activities include educational, production, and pedagogical internships.
Apart from its multi-profile professional educational activities (issuing two bachelor’s degree specialties: Primary Pedagogy and Methodology, Fine Arts; and in the master’s program: Primary Pedagogy and Methodology, Fine Arts, Education Management, Social Pedagogy, Special Pedagogy), the chair also conducts research work, including the writing of monographs, methodological manuals, and various articles by its lecturers. The chair organizes scientific sessions. A total of 14 lecturers are involved in scientific-pedagogical activities at the chair.
The chair collaborates with the National Academy of Sciences, Yerevan Kh. Abovian Armenian State Pedagogical University, and the Goris branch of the National Center of Aesthetics named after H. Igityan.