In GSU’s Strategic Plan, a key management and administration goal is to establish an effective management system equipped with the required human, material, and financial resources. This goal is achieved by clarifying and coordinating the functions of all structural divisions, ensuring their efficient collaboration, conducting regular analyses of external factors affecting university activities (including statistical and other data using measurable research tools), and enhancing mechanisms for involving both internal and external stakeholders in the decision-making process.
The management of GSU adheres to the laws of the Republic of Armenia, specifically “On Education,” “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education,” and “On State Non-Commercial Organizations.” Additionally, it operates within the framework of the GSU Charter, emphasizing self-governance while balancing individuality and collegiality principles. This management approach involves the GSU Board, the Scientific Board, and the Rector in fulfilling their respective functions. The university’s eligibility is contingent upon its commitment to autonomy, rooted in the principles of self-governance and collegiality.
The decision-making authority and the scope of responsibilities for management bodies at GSU are established by the university’s statutes, as well as the regulations and work rules specific to each body.
GSU Board: This collegial governance body is convened for a five-year term in accordance with a decision by the Republic of Armenia government. The GSU Board is responsible for discussing and approving the university’s budget and Strategic Development Plans. It also assesses the annual report on GSU activities presented by the university rector and has the authority to elect the university rector.
Scientific Board: This governing body, chaired by the university rector, addresses matters related to the organization, planning, and management of the educational and research activities of the university. The term of office for members of the Scientific Board is five years, and it includes student representation, constituting 25% of its membership. Commissions are attached to the Central Committee, with their activities regulated by the Charter and Regulations of the Central Committee.
GSU Rectorate: The Rectorate serves as an advisory body assisting the University Rector. Within the framework of its defined powers set by its regulations, the Rectorate discusses issues related to the university’s activities between sessions of the University Board and the Academic Council. Members of the Rectorate include the Rector, Vice-Rectors, Scientific Secretary, Deans of the Faculties, and Heads of scientific and educational departments at the University.
Student Council of GSU: The Student Council operates as a student self-government body and appoints representatives to the GSU Council, Scientific Council, and Rectorate. The powers and functions of the Student Council are outlined in the university charter and the regulations governing the Student Council.
Within GSU, structural divisions encompass faculties, chairs, departments, scientific centers, and laboratories. These divisions operate under the guidance of management bodies, collectively forming a unified system that adheres to principles of centralization and participation.
The successful fulfillment of the university’s mission is closely tied to the realization of the objectives outlined in the Strategic Plan. While the actions detailed in the GSU Strategic Plan are planned on an annual basis, they are derived from a comprehensive five-year strategic plan. To ensure accountability and effectiveness, the measurability and alignment of actions are assessed through annual reports. Consequently, management at GSU is conducted in alignment with the university’s mission, and day-to-day operations are executed in accordance with the strategic plan.