Final Workshop in the frames of Erasmus + SAH project WP 1 (“Preparation”)

On September 3, 2021 the final online workshop of WP1 in the framework of Erasmus+ CBHE “Sustainability for Architectural Heritage” (SAH) project took place. GSU was presented by Naira Safaryan (Head of the Department of ERC), Siranush Poghosyan (Associate Professor of the Chair of Economics and Management), Gurgen Minasyan (Associate Professor of the Chair of Economics and Management), Gayane Shabunts (Head of the Department of QA and SCS) and Sona Alaverdyan (Specialist of the Department of ERC).
In her opening remarks, Carola Neugebauer, representative of the RWTH Aachen University, first welcomed the participants and introduced the aim of the workshop and the main points to be discussed. It was mentioned that the first work package (WP1) of the SAH Project is coordinated by the RWTH Aachen University and Goris State University. WP1 is devoted to the development of the new interdisciplinary Model and BSc & MSc programs of architectural practical-oriented education for Sustainability for Architectural Heritage. Carola Neugebauer also spoke about the results of the comparative analysis of existing standards, approaches, knowledge and competences for the SAH education at the partner European universities. Later on, Stefan Shvedov, representative of Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, made a presentation about the standardized survey on competences, knowledge and skills. It should be noted that a survey was conducted within the framework of WP1, which aims at identifying the professional competencies, fields of knowledge and the general skills that are key to update the education in monument and urban conservation, precise the professional profile that the next generation of heritage conservators need to master as well as develop future-oriented BA and MA curricula for the discipline.
During the second part of the meeting, in three shared rooms, the participants discussed some troublesome points of the presented survey analysis and its results, as well as the main outcomes of the WP1 on the basis of which the project consortium members will plan their future activities in the frames of other WPs.

The Department of External Relations and Cooperation of GSU


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