Department of external relations and cooperation

Tel: (+37491) 33 31 05

The main objective of GSU External Relations and Cooperation Department is to ensure cooperation with the local and foreign educational institutions and organizations, to implement capacity building actions, to promote exchange programmes for students, faculty and administration, to encourage foreign students’ admission.

The internationalization is a separate strategic goal and focus area in GSU Strategic Plan. GSU adopts 3 major components for internationalization:

  1. Modernization and internationalization of the University based on the cooperation and exchange of best practices of the partner universities by way of reforms and innovations.
  2. Preparation and recruitment of competitive and comprehensively skillful specialists corresponding to the European standards and meanwhile remaining loyal to the principles of democratization, liberalization, tolerance, education accessibility and lifelong learning.
  3. Fostering the students’ and staffs’ mobility, design and introduction of joint education programs, curricula and courses.

Department Staff

Naira Safaryan

Head of Department of External Relation and Cooperation

Tel: (+37491) 33 31 05


Sona Alaverdyan

Specialist of Department of External Relation and Cooperation

Tel: (+37477) 98 65 00
